The Fly in the Ointment

What should have been a flawless, delightful afternoon turned into a Teachable Moment today thanks to some Mean Kids.

I had somehow failed to notice that there is now a huge, sandy area near the playground, so I didn’t pack any of Ian’s digging toys. (they are calling this a “sand volleyball” area. Also known as several square yards of preschooler HEAVEN.)

Unfortunately, the kids who HAD brought an entire toy aisle worth of beach toys were not merely uninterested in sharing them, they were really enjoying the opportunity to deny other kids something they wanted. My uber-friendly kid just didn’t understand this, so I was really proud of him when he finally accepted that, although he knew them, he should move on. It was a good opportunity to discuss the fact that not everyone wants to be friends, and that even normally friendly people don’t always behave in a friendly way.

As for the kid who rode his bike right into my friend Danette, I don’t think we learned anything there except that dodging is a good skill.

And I will start keeping sand toys in the trunk, since apparently we’re going to keep having spring days in February.

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