It never ceases to amaze me how much more connected to the neighborhood and the world I feel when I am walking regularly. For instance, just when I think, “there’s no need to take the ‘real’ camera on my walk, I can use my cell phone,” I see a wild turkey. No foolies, there was a wild turkey hanging out in the neighbor’s yard. Maybe I’ll get lucky and see him again when I can get a better picture.
I took my “big hill” route. I went up that big hill every day until my due date when I was pregnant with Ian. Since then I’ve concluded that doing this is completely insane, so now I go down the hill and come up the steps. Why I think this is better I’m not sure. They look a lot shorter when I’m not pregnant, though.
Current Total Distance Traveled: 3.98 miles
I owe the babies: $1.99