Coming Soon to a Season Near You

We are getting a little preview of Spring and I can’t say we didn’t enjoy it!  We spent as much time as possible at the park and in the back yard.  We even let some of the balmy air into the house, which felt so nice.

Here I come!

I'm a monkey!

Current Weather Conditions: SUNNY AND 60 DEGREES!  IN FEBRUARY.

Distance traveled: 0.75 miles

Current Total Distance Traveled: 5.6 miles

I owe the babies: $2.80

Waiting for the brownies to cool…

Ian has been asking to bake brownies all week and I promised him that today we would.  I put the pan in the oven and he announced, “Mommy, I just need to live on chocolate.”  A boy after my own heart.  So when they came out, I decided a family walk was in order to keep us from shoveling them into our mouths and burning ourselves.

The Brownies

1, 2, 3...


Little Dude’s Travel Gear Selection:

Current Weather Conditions:

Distance traveled: 0.87 miles

Current Total Distance Traveled: 4.85 miles

I owe the babies: $2.43

Taking on The Big Hill

It never ceases to amaze me how much more connected to the neighborhood and the world I feel when I am walking regularly.  For instance, just when I think, “there’s no need to take the ‘real’ camera on my walk, I can use my cell phone,” I see a wild turkey.  No foolies, there was a wild turkey hanging out in the neighbor’s yard.  Maybe I’ll get lucky and see him again when I can get a better picture.

I took my “big hill” route.  I went up that big hill every day until my due date when I was pregnant with Ian.  Since then I’ve concluded that doing this is completely insane, so now I go down the hill and come up the steps.  Why I think this is better I’m not sure.  They look a lot shorter when I’m not pregnant, though.

Current Weather Conditions:

Distance traveled: 0.87 miles

Current Total Distance Traveled: 3.98 miles

I owe the babies: $1.99

2011 MFB Walk #1- Mommy’s Taking Us to the Zoo!

Clambering kiddos: That’s how we roll.

 In addition to all time favorites like the pandas and prairie dogs, the bird exhibit was a HUGE hit this time. 

The Red Pandas

Not only were these guys feeling very active and therefore fun to watch, the adults had a good time making bets on how long we thought it would take Ian and Sophie to escape the enclosure if left to their own devices inside.  The consensus is 5 minutes.


I’m not sure why the Toucan had a cat carrier in his cage, but it was really bothering Ian that the carrier was there and the bird was not inside it. He spent a long time at this exhibit, urging the bird to go in the carrier and shut the door.  (Apparently, he has a high opinion of the bird’s mechanical ability, and a somewhat lower one of its overall intelligence.)

Current Weather conditions:  Sunny and low 50s- perfect zoo weather!

Distance traveled: 2.16 miles

Current Total Distance Traveled: 2.16 miles

I owe the babies: $1.08!

We’re walking to Luray…

This year, the destination of my virtual trek for babies is… Shenandoah National Park.  Located 85 miles from my home, I’ll be detailing my virtual “stops” and donating 50 cents for every mile of the distance I walk, and a dollar for every mile I don’t get done before my deadline, which is not March Day, but… BABY DAY.  That’s right, Baby 2.0 will arrive just before the March for Babies this year, so he, his big brother, and I will be completing our virtual journey BEFORE the “big day” for babies, which is May 15.

I hope you’ll join us, and I also hope you’ll find it in your heart to sponsor us on this virtual walk.  How about 10 cents a mile? 25? Every little bit goes a long way toward making a day when every baby is born healthy!  We look forward to having you with us along the way.  Just click on the March for Babies badge to make your donation and help us SAVE BABIES!

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