29 weeks: She was right!

My OB promised me at last month’s visit that I would NOT gain another nine pounds this month.  She thought I’d gain less and that the weight gain would even out.  I said later that I should have asked her to put money on that, knowing how huge I got during my first pregnancy.  Well, she was right… I did not gain nine pounds again this month.  Instead, I gained TEN.  My blood pressure is good.  The baby’s heart rate is good. (In case you aren’t keeping track, this means I’ve now gained 28 pounds already.  Go me.)

Click me for the full size version...

My OB also says I’m still moving well for someone so pregnant.  (Are ya kidding me?) I can’t get out of my own way, and I need a running start just to roll over in bed, but I’m not in a position to turn down compliments at this point. Which is why I was delighted the other day when Ian screamed “YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL!” at his top volume (which, for those who haven’t heard it, is pretty loud!) and then flung himself at me like he’d been shot out of a cannon.  Love you too, son.

At this appointment I also took my first (actually, first for most people… I had one at 8 weeks because of my history) glucose tolerance test and am waiting for the news that I’ve flunked it, as expected. Trying to explain Gestational Diabetes to my three year old is like pushing ropes… you can’t tell if you’re making any progress.  (So, okay sweetie, I don’t look sick, I don’t feel sick, but I might have to go to the doctor A LOT and you and Mommy may be going for a lot of walks and there’s going to be weird stuff that Mommy has to do, but don’t worry, okay? Okay?)

We’re still waiting for the results… should be soon.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!

PS: I failed the 1 hour test by three points.  I’ll be taking the three hour test next week.  I’ll keep you posted.

Welcome to the SuperMax

Yesterday my son overheard me confiding to a friend that I feel like I got hit by a truck.  He asked, “Why did the truck hit you, Mommy?” And I explained that it was not a real truck, it was a metaphorical truck.  Near as I can tell he knows what a metaphor is… so, rather than ask what a metaphor is, he replied,  “Oh.  Was I driving it?” YES.  You were.  This truck has your name ALL OVER IT.  And I think it hit Danette, too.

As a result, my darling child who captivated the checker at Home Depot with your beautiful sea-gray eyes today, welcome to life in the supermax facility.  I’ve locked the meds up in a heavy-duty toolbox with a padlock.  And I HID the key.  I’ve also ordered a magnetic lock for the cabinet where the toolbox is kept, purchased a new keyed doorknob for the bathroom door, and ordered a 95db alarm for the bathroom door- which can only be deactivated with a key.  And I’m going to hide THAT key, too.  (My poor husband might be a wee bit overwhelmed by all this.  He asked if we could just get a combination lock, and write the combination on the outside of the med box.  HAVE WE LEARNED NOTHING? NO!!!)

Then I ordered 125db alarms for all our exterior doors, and I’m busy researching pool enclosure alarms for the back gates.  Some of them have had iffy reviews, and I need one that works so well people in the next county get worried and hit the brakes when my kid eventually breaks out of the yard and heads toward the road.

I know you are thinking, “whoa, this dame has crossed over into paranoid la-la land!”  Well, enjoy the ride, because there’s more.

I’ve never felt the need to purchase anti-burglar devices to deter, you know, burglars, but I was at Home Depot today shopping for them to keep my kid in bounds.  I spent a long time at the biometric safe display and checked out a couple motion sensor systems.  Then, I told off some middle aged contractor dude… for touching my cart.  Ian was sitting in it and that guy was moving it without even looking to see if he had his hands in. So, for your amusement, I am now that woman who gives total strangers a ticking off if they come too near her child.

I cannot WAIT to hear what kind of therapy Ian needs as an adult.  And I hope he and Sophie get married and have TWINS.  Because Danette and I want to LAUGH AT THEM. Daily. In the meantime, I’ll be self medicating with ice cream.  Because it works.  My OB promised me at my appointment on Thursday morning that I would NOT gain another 9 pounds next month.  I should have asked her to put money on that. 

(Oh yeah… I almost forgot, I did have an OB appointment on Thursday.  It seems so long ago… the baby’s doing great, my blood pressure is great.  I feel enormous because I have gained 18 pounds, 9 of them in the last four weeks.  What can I say, I’m an overachiever.  I plan to amaze you all with the size of my rear by the time this kid takes his first breath.)

Strike Them From the List

Since we have now seen a scrotum on the ultrasound and therefore know we must buckle down and pick a name appropriate for one of the male sex (yes, sadly, we’ve admitted that “Catherine,” however lovely, is not appropriate at this juncture), we decided to consult the baby’s family tree in search of famous rogues, notorious personages, and baby name ideas.  What we mainly found was the fascinating history of ordinary people- and a few names we WON’T be using.  A sample follows, for your amusement and inspiration.  I promise you, I am not making ANY of these up- each and every one is the given name of one of this child’s male ancestors.  There were also a great many solid Johns, Roberts, Williams, and Thomases to be found- plus at least one Dick and one Harry.  So there you have it.

Joe Bob
Appleton (surname: Beckwith.  I mention this because A) This was one of my favorite names on the family tree and B) it appears more than once.  Which means someone spent his entire life introducing himself as “Appleton Beckwith” and still named someone after himself.)

PS: Thanks are owed to the tireless geneaology research done by my dad, and to the bottomless archive of my Grandma’s memory.  A great deal of what we know about our family history is due to things she remembered, and Dad tracked down in the historical record. 

It’s a Boy!

The toes of both little feet.

The doctor and the ultrasound technician both said we were measuring a little ahead of due date.  My belly is measuring a week ahead  (I blame the fudge.) and the baby is measuring five days ahead.  I’ve gained a total of nine pounds so far.  Everything else looks perfectly normal, and this son is as much an exhibitionist as his brother was- there can be no question that we’ve got the wrong information.  Kid’s a boy and doesn’t care who knows it!

I’m A Boy

Down the Rabbit Hole

When I got pregnant with Ian, I had been unable to eat any dairy or corn for nearly two years, as a result of some kind of food intolerance, which may or may not have been an allergy.  Surprisingly and thankfully, that and all my other allergy issues disappeared or significantly diminished.  I also won the genetic lottery in the sense that I have inherited, from my mother, not throwing up.  In my opinion, it totally makes up for the fact that she did not pass along the “I don’t have any wisdom teeth” gene.  I hope that one skips a generation and that both my kids have it.

However, in addition to these undeniably positive reactions to the tidal wave of hormones that make new life possible, I am also blessed with an incredibly sensitive “early warning system” about what my altered digestion can handle- namely, a double (or triple) dose of food aversions and cravings.  I could not tolerate the word “banana” the entire 41.1 weeks of my pregnancy with Ian, let alone actually eat one, smell one, or witness one being eaten on TV.  And anyone who had eaten bacon for breakfast had to remain outside the super-smeller perimeter for the rest of the day.  I had to extract a promise from my husband that he not eat any pork product for the duration of my pregnancy- chicken was okay, and red meat was tolerable, but ham or pork chops were out of the question.  I had the occasional craving for old, familiar flavors, and I’ll admit the Thanksgiving turkey smelled awfully good that year, but I never regretted letting it pass me by.  Plus, you know, I was so busy renewing my love affair with CHEESE that I barely noticed a desire for other things I didn’t eat.

The pork perimeter I put up last time, plus the fact that I had an undeniably healthy baby as a vegetarian, probably contribute to the expressions of shock and wonder in response to the news that I am now eating meat.  Of course, these are people who don’t know that the earliest signs that I was pregnant this time were 1) my rings did not fit and 2) the grilled pork at my father’s birthday dinner smelled AWESOME.

Then came the food aversions, which included chocolate, oatmeal, tofu, all brands of meat analogs, beans, most nuts, and pretty much anything sweet except apples, bananas, and grapes.  Next went the green veggies except lettuce, peas, and asparagus.  Tomatoes are usually okay, but sometimes smell funny to me.  Fresh garlic and onions are out of the question- I can’t cook with them, nor can I eat them. 

Potatoes, cheese, and Rice Crispies were tasting really good to me, but even with salad thrown in for some color I was having problems.  I was dang hungry.  Everyone already knows I get cranky when I’m hungry.  We’d gone beyond “cranky” to “would like to slap complete strangers”  and were nearing “will be committed until the hysterical sobbing stops.”

The craving for steak also came around the same time, but honestly, by the time all was said and done, “craving” was the wrong word for how I have begun to feel about red meat.  It’s more like an irresistable compulsion.  They were cooking steak samples at the commissary last time I went grocery shopping, and I had all I could do not to park my cart and mug the man for his certified Angus beef.  I could control my “brute squad” impulse, but not my salivary glands- I slobbered my way through the store, utterly distracted, and had to backtrack multiple times because I’d walked right past the next item on my list in a scent-induced trance.

Those of you who favor rational explanations will look at the list of things I can’t tolerate and go, “yep, protein and iron deficiency.  The woman needs steak!”  while those of you who prefer funny/metaphysical explanations are with me on, “Werewolf fetus!”  In the end, it seems safer to throw the werewolf a steak every now and then than to force it to subsist on cheese and potatoes until it breaks loose and kills someone, even if it means giving up my veg lifestyle.

We Bring You Tidings of Joy & Good Cheer

As always, we wish you a “Merry Everything” from our family to yours!

I hope 2010 has been good to you all and that you are looking forward to a wonderful year in 2011.  As many of you know from past years, we decided a few years ago to begin distributing our holiday cards and the ubiquitous “holiday letter,” for the most part, online.  If you would like our card to join your collection, please feel free to print it and let it keep company with the others- I hope you’ve been blessed with a great many cards to enjoy this year.  (If you click the image you should be able to view it full size.)

If you don’t do a holiday card display, then please let the fact that the production and distribution of this card consumed very little resources and you won’t be sending a copy to the landfill this year warm “the cockles of your heart.”

Our year was probably a lot like yours- we said a few goodbyes, we had a lot of good times, and we felt incredibly blessed.  Our son,  in his own words, “grewed and grewed and grewed,” and will proudly tell you he “used to be a baby but now I’m a BIG BOY!”  In other words, he’s three, and loving every minute of it.  His fascination with farm equipment (especially John Deere tractors), construction sites, and anything with a wheel on it is still in full swing, and he’s added pirates, Romans, dinosaurs, and too many others to name.  We’re ridiculously proud of him, but we try not to be boring about it.

Please feel free to browse the archives at www.semelesriches.blogspot.com if you want details of our exploits- it’s been a great year.  We were able to share parts of it with so many of you, and for that we are grateful.  I hope we’ll see all of you in the New Year- and we’ll definitely be expanding our circle a bit when Baby #2 arrives in May.

Love to you all!
Meghan, Michael, and Ian