

Everyone is in bed in their own rooms…
Keeghan: Da-da! Da-da!
Ian: Keeghan! I hear you!
Keeghan: bwah.
Ian: Keeghan! It’s me! Big brother! Big brother is here!
Keeghan: Brudder. BRUDDER!
M&M: giggling…

Maybe he really IS a werewolf.

Lycanthropy is the only possible explanation for the high jinks that have been going on around here. Keeghan, the boy who will wake up, when placed in his crib, just long enough to smile and say “bed!” Has been staying up to howl at the moon at night. He wakes up 45 minutes after bed time for a burp-a-thon (don’t ask, but there’s a reason his doting Rama calls him “the toxic waste dump,” and yes, I’ve TRIED to burp him before he goes down) and then… it’s an endurance sport trying to get him back to bed. Why anyone who loves sleep this much WANTS to stall I do not understand.

My personal favorite delaying tactic is when he tries to summon a co-conspirator. “Da-da?” he’ll say, then sneak a look at Mean Mommy’s Boring and Totally Genuine Sleepy Face. Then he looks toward the door. Again, louder, “Da-da?” When that doesn’t produce results, another peek at me and then, “Brudder?” Look at the door again. “Da-da?” And finally, “Da-da? Brudder? Dadabrudderdadabrudderdadabrudderdada? DA-DA! AH-WAH-WAH!” Followed by more door watching and his signature move, the Yawn That Would Crack Your Face In Half With Simultaneous Head Thrash. That one is DANGEROUS. Stay out of its way.

Next we’ll have some more scrutiny of Boring Sleepy Mommy and some playing the slats of the crib like the world’s most boring xylophone. Periodically he assumes his favorite sleep position just long enough to get my hopes up before trying to stand up, or checking to see if he can reach my leg through the side of the crib, or singing a little song , or playing “Ah-wah-wah” all by himself. It’s almost bedtime. Wish me luck.

(Yeah, I slipped that standing up thing in there. It’s his new hobby. I keep telling him to STOP IT YOU DO NOT NEED TO WALK FOR FIVE MORE MONTHS.)


Hung by the Chimney with Care

When my brother and I were kids, my mother latch hooked stockings for us from kits. We all look forward to seeing them every year. So when Ian was born, she started looking for a kit so I could make him a stocking. She quickly learned that They Do Not Make Them Any More. Everywhere she went she heard things like, “oh, no one latch hooks amy more,” which is ridiculous. Because you can find PLENTY of latch hook kits online or in catalogs and some craft stores, but not one that makes a stocking. I have a feeling that this particular item was pretty special. After hunting high and low, I decided I didn’t need no stinking kit.

I ordered some kits off eBay that had enough canvas, I ordered latch hook yarns in the colors I needed. I ordered a latch hook, TWICE because I lost the first one. And I free-handed the design from a holiday photo. Guess what. It turns out I Do Not Enjoy Latch Hook Very Much. So I finally finished the latch hook last year, but not in time to finish the stocking. Guess who was hand sewing green fleece onto the back of a stocking on Christmas Eve? So when I noticed I’d seen the loop on the wrong side, I just said… Well, I won’t repeat that. But there you are. It remains to be seen whether I have another one in me.



As we move to the end of 2011, I’ve been reading a lot of holiday letters. I know that, as a literary form, they receive a lot of criticism, but I enjoy them. They’re full of milestones, hellos, goodbyes, hopes, and dreams.

I hope 2011 was as full of wonder for your family as it was for mine. And my hope is that 2012 will be The Best Year Yet for each and every one of us.

Best wishes for a beautiful season and a Merry New Year, from my family to yours.