So last night I had this dream. Yes, I know a lot of stories that start this way are boring, but humor me.
In this dream, my friend Julie called to say that her firm had tickets to something or other with Daniel Craig, and would we like to go. Thinking I was saying yes to movie tickets, I enthusiastically agreed that yes, we’d LOVE to go. She said she’d meet us there, so we all piled into the car, because for some reason we really had decided to take the kids to something that would doubtless be completely inappropriate for them. Which is all cool because this is a dream, and, unlike all the Reese’s I ate yesterday, this bad decision won’t be coming back to haunt me.
We get there and find out that this is really a VERY fancy theater and I’m starting to be impressed when I realize Julie’s face is on all the marketing materials, and I remember that she’s started her own, obviously quite successful, firm. And as she’s telling me how uncomfortable it makes her to see her own face plastered everywhere and how ridiculous she thinks it is that some famous person designed and named a color after her, I am overhearing someone in the hallway or an adjacent room repeatedly asking people if they’d like to see Daniel Craig.
I laughed and asked Julie, “Well, who WOULDN’T want to see Daniel Craig,” because I think this is a really good question. And she thinks that’s very funny and wants to know if I’m one of those crazy stalker type fans, which is DEFINITELY a good question since, as we all know, I’m prone to enthusiasms.
I explain that I prefer to enjoy the public personae created by celebrities and how knowing too much about them can spoil it, and I wouldn’t want to name names but, for instance, let’s talk about Christian Slater.
So then someone official comes and is recruiting kids for an activity. And Michael takes Ian, who is wearing his Halloween costume, and I keep Keeghan with me, where he is no doubt enjoying my continued thoughts on The Hotness of Daniel Craig, which Julie is finding funnier and funnier. Until the curtain opens and I find out this is not a movie but a play, and that Ian’s going to be in it, which we all know would be a horrible idea, unless he’s a T-Rex, in which case he’ll be brilliant.
I look around me and see a lot of empty seats, formerly occupied by members of the cast. Which is when it dawns on me that Julie is so amused because Daniel Craig has been sitting behind me the entire time I’ve been discussing my Male Hotness Paradigm, which petty much goes: 1. Michael 2. Daniel Craig 3. Everyone Else.
At this point I was Rudely Awakened by One of My Children, but we can take a few things away from this. For instance, of all my friends, my subconscious picked Julie as most likely to have a color named after her and be acquainted with movie stars. Also, that I should look behind me now and then, even in dreams. Last, and far from least, I should stay away from Reese’s if I’m serious about Project Hold The Line.