Sibling Bonding
Sibling Bonding
Nothing to see here. Just a little after-school play-doh time. And evidence that I need to teach Ian the word “cyclops.”
I put him on the mat and went away for a minute…
Over the weekend he mastered rolling over both ways and started devoting serious effort to becoming mobile… I thought I might have two weeks. Good thing I didn’t have money riding on that.
Once he finished this he decided it was naptime again. Good thing I can get a head start, because there’ll be no catching him now.
1. Every Mom should be so fortunate as to see her father and her son walk down to the shore together.
2. The Beach is better than any spa.
3. People still tan. Seriously, I thought the expiration date on that was 1989.
4. Fuzzy Baby Head is just as good at the beach.
Overheard from the back seat, in response to GPS instructions:
I’ve been informed that there is actually a racoon sleeping in the trash today. Wouldn’t that give the trash men a shock.
yes, that’s right, we are in the thick of it here in Northern VA, where we had an earthquake (5.8!) on Tuesday and Hurricane Irene on Saturday night. Ian woke up right after the power failed and realized his night light was out. And he asked what all that noise was. Normally once we’re in bed the rule is we stay there until “MoMo” the alarm clock wakes up, but, I thought, “how often am I going to be able to let him sit on the couch and watch a hurricane with me?”
“This is a bad storm, Mommy. And I know. (Holds up 4 fingers, parallel to the ground, and counts on fingers.) Because these three here- 1,2,3, these are good storms. But this one, this fourth one down here? This is a bad storm. We’re staying in from this one, Mommy, because this is a Bad Storm.”
I took Keeghan with me and went to a book signing by one of my very favorite authors, Donna Andrews. Whereupon I found out that I enjoyed listening to her talk about her books almost as much as I enjoy reading them. Which I do over, and over, and over again. If you’re a reader like I am you know what I mean… there are just some books that get to be like friends, and you want to spend some time with them every now and again.
As an extra bonus, we discovered the One More Page bookstore in Arlington. They sell wine and chocolate in addition to books… In other words, we’ll be back!