And in other news…

We got some VERY good news today.  Spazzface 2.0’s risk of Downs is assessed at 1/1900, and of Trisomy at 1/7400.

If you weren’t aware, those are VERY low considering my ADVANCED MATERNAL AGE.  (The cutoff for that, if you’re wondering, is now 35.  That’s right, ladies, you are officially old at 35 now.  Or at least, your gametes are.)

Cold And Blustery

It was our first truly cold & blustery day of the year. Mister went with me while I performed my civic duty, and on our walk home (my polling place is less than a quarter of a mile away- seemed silly to drive when I’d be nearly home before I found a parking spot) he started telling me he was cold and wanted to go inside… guess the park wasn’t such a good plan, after all. Fortunately, the local Soft Play Room had open play time that morning, so we headed right over. As you can see, Mister managed to dredge up a little enthusiasm for the day after all.

He’s also been talking about voting ever since.  Grandma Gray would be proud.  She used to call me every year to make sure I voted.  No worries, Grandma.  I did.

Merry Christmas

Yeah, okay, we’re early. Normally I wouldn’t post my holiday card here for you until December. (Don’t think you’re getting out of that annual tradition.) But it so happened I had made one of these today, and right now you can get a $25 credit from Shutterfly for sharing your project on your blog. Just go make one, click on “embed or share your project,” and follow the instructions!

Peppermint Bliss Christmas Card
Make a statement with custom Christmas cards at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Restoring Sanity and/or Fear

Perhaps you heard there was a little rally on the Mall today, hosted by Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert. Once we tried two different Metro stations and figured out that the line to get in was only dwarfed by the lines of people LEAVING because they’d waited too long for a train, we took a vote and went to a nearby Pub and watched the event on C-SPAN. Those who actually made it to the Mall may have technically been closer to the action, but our audio was awesome, and it came with unlimited free soft drink refills. Also, no line for the bathroom. On the whole, we decided we got a great deal and had a blast.

Sacking and Looting

Mommy: Ian, what are you doing over there?
Ian: I am fighting everyone down out of the dollhouse because I am a Roman. I am not nice.
Mommy: I see.

Hours Later:
Mommy: Your son spent a portion of the afternoon sacking and looting the dollhouse because, as he put it, he was a Roman, and they are not nice.
Daddy: Seriously?
Ian: Daddy, you go get the Romans book. Let’s read.

Splat the Cat Came Back

You may remember that Ian wanted to be Splat the Cat for Halloween. Also, you may remember that, lacking confidence in Splat’s availability as a commercially produced halloween costume, Mommy was knitting Ian a Splat the Cat Hat. So now you are thinking… “yes, very funny… and the child wearing it is adorable and IS NOT IAN.” You’re right. She’s not. One of Ian’s friends graciously agreed to model it for me, because the total time this thing has spent on Ian’s head since I completed it two weeks ago is about 48 seconds.

It’s not that he doesn’t like it. He does. In fact, he loves it. He thinks it is hilarious. He thinks Mommy should make its mouth. And he likes to stand in front of the mirror and play putiton takeitoff putiton takeitoff putiton takeitoff for long periods of time. Too bad this is not at all photogenic.

So I went to Target and spent $8 on a mass-produced Fireman costume. That, he’ll wear.