"Sorry, Mommy!"

So, we were barely two hours into our second Daddy-less weekend IN A ROW and I was doing something incredibly unimportant while not watching my son.  You know, something like going to the bathroom or fixing his dinner.  It’s all a blur.  And I hear from another room, “Sorry, Mommy,” followed by a pause in which Mommy did not answer and then, louder, “I’m REALLY sorry, Mommy.”

Hmm, this seemed like such a good idea at the time.
Why WOULDN’T Mommy want this wagon in her bed?

So I answered, “Yes, honey, I understand you are sorry.”  Ian was apparently reassured by this response because he promptly appeared in front of me and made no further reference to the incident until he went to bed.  At which point Busy Mommy started trying to Get Things Done, still wondering what had prompted the “Sorry Mommy” episode.

Well, now we know. In case you are wondering, the last time I’d seen my room, the bed was tidily made up.  It was, at that time, accessorized with one fairly large, dedicated Daddy who got up at 5 am to spend time with his son before his trip and then decided to catch a quick morning nap before the long drive.  So I wasn’t expecting to find my room exactly as I’d left it, but I can tell you I wasn’t expecting what I did find.

Whoops, guess that thing was full of sand… uh, “Sorry Mommy!”

 For all our sakes, I hope I can see the funny side of this by 5:00 tomorrow morning.

All This for $1!

Great Grandma Gray would be proud.  On the way home from Ian’s firstest ever swim lesson today, we kept passing yard sales in our neighborhood.  No surprise- it’s a beautiful day and at this time of year who knows how many more gorgeous Saturdays there will be? Every time we passed one, Ian would point out the window and say, “Find somewhere to park yours car, Mommy.  I want to get out.”

We finally got home and he said, “Mommy, I want to go shopping.”  So we grabbed the little red wagon and went to a couple of the yard sales in the neighborhood.  For a grand total expenditure of $1, we brought home a mint condition, hardcover copy of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, two race cars, and a plastic work bench.  What can I say, the little dude drives a hard bargain. 

(PS- The swim lesson was a don’t ask/don’t tell kind of experience.  I wish I had a photo for you of him squatting by the side of the pool, his face streaked with tears, yelling that he wanted to go home while all the other kids had fun in the water.  Good times.  Of course, as soon as we got dressed when the lesson was over, he announced that he wanted to go back.)

The world’s lowest quality educational aide

Well, what was I supposed to do? The kid asked me “Where is October, Mommy?”

I thought surely some better artist than I would have thought of this, created a nice version, and have posted it on the internet SOMEWHERE, but no. So hear me, those of you with even the smallest smidgen of artistic ability: design a calendar wheel and sticker set for the Gregorian Calendar. Make it cute. Make it colorful, laminated, and sturdy, and I’ll totally buy that off you. In fact, I’ll set it up to sell on the Joy Troupe website.

Seriously, just look at me trying to draw “in like a lion, out like a lamb” for my kid. Take my $10 and spare me the embarrassment.

My new bed is here!

We’ve been talking to Ian about his “new bed” for a while now.  The original plan was for Santa to bring it, but it turns out there were some good Labor Day sales, so it has arrived a bit early.  He’s been going back and forth between being excited about his new bed and telling me he does not want a new bed.

At least, he was until we told him a big truck would deliver his new bed.  He ran into my study every five minutes all day yelling, “My new bed is here!” Finally, he was right.  The truck with his new bed had arrived.  The delivery guys set it up in about five minutes flat.  In fact, it took longer to put the new sheets on than it did for them to unload and set it up.

The minute Ian climbed aboard, he declared, “Wait! I need a book!” He got down to get one and then remembered.  “No, wait, I need all my animals first!”

“Wait for me to clear the animals and come on on the bed, Mommy!”
2010-09-09 Ian’s New Bed

Learning at the Farmer’s Market

“M&Ms have letters. But they are for eating, not for playing.”

And, an update on the Christmas Tree Query.  Mommy got a 4′ artificial tree from Freecycle.org, which we are looking forward to decorating with our friends this year.  Ian was carrying part of it around this morning when I overheard this conversation:

Daddy: Ian, what are you doing?
Ian: I’m breaking ground here.
Daddy:  That’s a bad idea.
Ian: Well, I’m just trying to plant this tree.

Mommy interjected at this point to request that we please not either break ground OR plant any trees inside the actual house.