My milepost for today is that I went to the thrift store and bought myself summer clothes that fit right now. I had almost none, but had been resisting buying any because I thought it was a “waste.”
Let’s break that down, shall we? First of all, there is the obvious danger that I could end up NAKED. (No One Wants That. Trust me.) On top of that, the daily frustration of trying to find something… ANYTHING… to put on is very demoralizing. Even if the reason for “nothing to wear” is that I’m thinner, wearing unflattering, ill-fitting clothing every day is a perfectly good way to feel down on myself. And, as we all know, in my case, that is quickly followed by eating an entire cake. Because buying a few pairs of shorts in my current size is a “waste,” but eating myself into an early grave Makes Perfect Sense. Right.
So, I went shopping. I got a couple pants and some shirts that don’t ride up and expose my post-baby belly. (no need to thank me for that last part, it was my pleasure.)
I had to read this when I saw clothes that fit! I’ve been slowly buying clothes in my size now too. I keep reminding myself that clothes are 1 of the 3 basic needs.
I hit enter before I was done. I overindulge in another basic need at times but don’t worry about spending money on food and I don’t like to wear it!
EXACTLY. Likewise, I’d think nothing of spending money on a new toy or book for either of the kids, and we have way too many of those. It’s a perfect example of how we’re too hard on ourselves and how we’d be healthier if we’d cut ourselves a break once in a while.
That is just what happened to me yesterday. I went to the mall to buy a few tshirts and felt guilty on how much I spent. To make myself feel better I bought both boys a toy. That is normal logic right there!