What a thing to do!

I want to say THANK YOU to my wonderful workout buddy, Jenn B. (Sorry, she’s not a blogger, or I’d link up so you could hear about all the AWESOME progress she is making- getting up at 4 am to get her workouts in before work, sticking to The Plan even after being up all night with a sick kid, and more. PLUS she raised a lot of money for breast cancer research this year and did the 60 mile walk!!!! But she doesn’t toot her own horn so I guess I’m doing it for her.) We have been checking in every day, and her encouragement means a lot to me and helps keep me on track.

Jenn, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! Yes, we can!

Won’t you join us? Follow along and chime in on Facebook or Pinterest. Or put a little love down there in the comment box! YES WE CAN!

2 thoughts on “What a thing to do!

  1. Thank you Meghan. This means so much to me. Yes we can do it and we are. Changing our minds, bodies and souls one step at a time. Your encouragement is what gets me through day to day. Talk about tooting someones horn… Well here’s kudos to you my beautiful friend for giving me the gusto to do this! It has truly finally changed my mindset about me!

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