Hug it out

How to make everyone feel accepted, according to Ian. Gosh I love this kid. (and yes, that is an exceptionally long line of chocolate chip cookies on the bottom, because I am raising him

Fa la la la la…

Even though it’s a school night, we put the Christmas carols on and I let Ian stay up a little late to help me get started on our decorating. The tree isn’t up yet, but there is definitely some hall decking going on. He really liked doing the teeny tree, and reminded me that his friends need to come over and help him make some ornaments, “like every year.”

He makes his Rama proud with how he loves Christmas and always wants to include everyone.

These are a few of my favorite things…

Part of this whole journey I’m on with my awesome fitness buddy Jenn is to replace my guilty pleasures with healthy ones. Because self-denial may be virtuous, but it’s not what’s going to get me healthy and keep me healthy in the long term. And by that, I do not mean that I am swapping my favorite foods for so-called “guilt free” versions of the same things. Because I’m really happy for you that the fat free, gluten free, sugar free, food free brownie shaped THING you just pinned to your Healthy Life board is only 99 calories per serving, but I’ll tell you what it ISN’T. It is NOT A BROWNIE. My taste buds are not stupid, and they know a brownie when they eat one. Brownies have sugar, fat, gluten and CHOCOLATE. Eating a cardboard cutout of a cookie does not make me feel like I do not want a cookie. It makes me feel like I want a dozen cookies, because I have been ROBBED. What I need are totally different foods to enjoy- healthy things that don’t just tick the “nutritious” box on my To Do List for the day, but actually make me smile when I eat them.

So, I’m trying things I used to not like (Yeah, turns out I’ve really been missing out on pistachios for the last several decades…) and seeking new things to try. Today, I have discovered Numi Organic Puerh Chocolate tea. Now, they had me at Chocolate, but it’s also called “Skinny Girl’s Tea.” I’m guessing “Strong Mama Who Can Totally Keep Up With Her Kids and Will Grind You Into a Fine Powder If You Mess With Them Tea” takes too long to say, so we’ll go with Skinny Girl. In other words, it’s meant as a healthy treat. I’m not always a tea lover, but this stuff has me hooked! (Try substituting it for the Chai in a South Beach Chai Smoothie. OH YES! I added 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder. Awesome.) Brewed with milk instead of water, unsweetened, it was a delicious pick me up.

In other news:

Me: Ian, put your jacket on, baby, it’s time to leave for school.
Me: You’re going to have to do it later. It’s time to go.
Me: Yes, honey, it is important, but not everything that is important is urgent… Oh my gosh, your lunch is not packed.
Ian: Hooray! Now I have time to work out!

When I came back with his lunch, I found him doing the yoga video I had just finished. Probably better than I did it, and quite certainly cuter.


It’s all there

Ian woke me up at 2 am and announced “Mommy, I have something to tell you!” I wish I could tell you what it was, but I’m afraid he was informed that I didn’t want to hear it and to go back to sleep. Which he did, curled up next to me. It made for immediate hug opportunities at “up time.”

Keeghan’s new words in the last 24 hours have included acorn, copy, hug, and (wait for it!) Dude. (awesome, right?)

I hope you have a beautiful Thanksgiving.

My award winning yard

I always say “we’re the neighbors with the tacky yard,” and people for some reason seem to think I am kidding. (No, really, if you’ve walked past a house around here and the phrase “hillbilly groundskeeper” popped into your head, THAT WAS US.) For some reason, we end up coming off worse than the folks who don’t even try. There are a couple of those around, although not immediately near us. Immediately near us are all neighbors whose yards always look like you could vacuum their lawn, or like they just did. Which is my way of saying they actually remember to water their grass, and stuff.

As a “for instance.” I don’t care to admit how long I’ve been working my way around this pile of bagged mulch in the driveway. Even more attractive is the pile of random odds and ends that were dragged out of the front flower bed on a (not really all that) recent “spruce up” mission. All of which brings me to how we spent our first “early release” afternoon, since the weather was beautiful and just cool enough that it reminded me that soon I’ll be able to say, “yes, we’re the ones who don’t rake our leaves.”

It looks much bigger and much emptier in real life. The deer have eaten the calladium into oblivion, the slugs have been at the hostas, and the crowning glory is that apparently the boxwoods have a fungus. If this thing were a human being, it would be on life support. I was thinking I’d put in some mums and spruce it up for fall, but it turns out deer love those too, and I think they’ve had enough to eat without dessert.

In other words… I’m once again accepting suggestions.