

All you need is a hot glue gun and some craft supplies and you too can create enough portable catapults to take down even heavily defended objectives.

Wiffle golf balls and mini marshmallows make excellent, non-lethal ammunition. Goldfish crackers are also effective, but consider safety goggles.

Now, THAT’S how you make a birthday cake

Today is 007’s birthday. Naturally, it would not be a birthday without cake. So I promised Ian we’d make one after school. And we did.

Notice how the child is laughing at me. Because I lost this competition at “presentation.” the top layer fell apart when I took it out of the pan. Lesser mortals would have made do with the single, perfect layer already on the tray. NOT ME. I forged ahead. The sprinkles and mini marshmallows are there by request, but I’d consider it a kindness if you’d look upon them as a Redeeming Feature.

Skill building

While drawing Keeghan’s bath, I realized he was standing around, grinning to beat the band. So, naturally, I followed his gaze to see what was so funny. Which is when I realized he was holding his junk and peeing on the floor.

He spent the rest of bath time reveling in his new accomplishment. His mother is very proud.

He’s got our number

So, Michael and I were discussing that commercial with the family doing the a Capella version of “Crazy Train,” and how we really ought to start practicing that, seeing as how it’s practically our family theme song, when Ian piped up.

Ian: are we going to Rama and Raba’s today?
Me: yes!
Ian: WAHOOOO! We’re going to Rama and Raba’s! SO LET’S… GET… EATING!

And then after that there was some running around the house and screaming like a barbarian. In other words, it’s all business as usual around here.



Don’t blow my cover

Once we realized we were going to have to can all our plans for the day on account of persistent and entirely necessary rain, we decided to go to the soft play room. There was a little girl just a couple months older than Keeghan, whom he dearly wanted to impress. But he’d already been caught walking a couple times today, so he didn’t dare show off for her.

What, oh WHAT is a sly, conniving baby to do? Well, the dimples are a good start. And the “love me” eyes. And if all else fails, hang on to something with one hand while scooting your feet farther and farther away, in hopes you’ll demonstrate your talents while still maintaining your plausible deniability.

That went about as well as you think it did.
