People can hear you…

Ian and I took a walk to the store after nap today. (Okay, I walked, he rode.) Most notable features of today’s walk were the altercation between two motorists (they taught Ian a new word… “F***er!” Then Mommy said, “Ian, you didn’t hear that. She’s right, but you didn’t hear it.”) and the unusual number of serious cyclists we saw today. Lots of them were sporting logos from their sponsors… either they are just enjoying the nice weather like us, or there’s an event on the horizon and they’re training.

Also, Ian just found out that his stroller seat RECLINES, which he thinks is fabulous.

Little Dude’s Travel Gear Selection:

Current Weather conditions:

72 and broken clouds!

Quotable Moments:

“I want my shoes and socks on, please.”

“Mommy, I want THAT apple, please.”

Distance traveled: 3.41 miles

Current Total Distance Traveled: 67.33

I owe the babies: $16.83

Worshipping in the church of the Universe

Little Dude’s Travel Gear Selection:

Current Weather conditions: 66 and sunny!

Quotable Moment:
Ian: “Mommy, what’s that beepin’?”
Mommy: “I don’t know; let’s go see!”
Ian: “OH YES!”

Distance traveled: 2.39

Current Total Distance Traveled: 62.69 miles

I owe the babies: $15.67

I wanna see the skid loader!

Little Dude’s Travel Gear Selection:

Quotable Moment:
Actually, he just sang the “Bob the Builder” theme song most of the way, so let’s go with this:

Current Weather conditions:

61 and sunny with a nice breeze!

Distance traveled: 3.4 miles
Solo Miles: .25

Current Total Distance Traveled: 60.3

I owe the babies: $15.08

Nothing beats the sound of tractors early in the morning…

Little Dude’s Travel Gear Selection:

Current Weather conditions:

Quotable Moment:
“We got you excavator. We got you bullzipper. We got you other lots of things at home. We got TWO bullzippers.”

Distance traveled: .87 miles

Current Total Distance Traveled: 53.01

I owe the babies: $13.25

Note to self…

check weather and temp BEFORE going out for a late PM walk in the sun. 90 degrees feels pretty dang hot when you aren’t acclimated to summer weather yet. Plus, no leaves out yet means no shade. On the up side, the lilacs are coming!

Little Dude’s Travel Gear Selection:

Current Weather conditions:

Quotable Moment:
“Ian and Mommy just finish goin’ up, up, up, up a hill!”

Distance traveled: 1.13 miles was more than enough, thanks.

Current Total Distance Traveled: 53.27 miles

I owe the babies: $13.32